One of the most common complaints I hear from my female patients express concern that the cottage cheese-like, lumpy, irregular fat that loves to gather on the thighs, arms and abdomen. It means that I am very confident and even depressed, put a pair of shorts or a swimsuit in public. Their most urgent question is, how can they disappear?
When I read these ladies say, even if it can be painful, aesthetically it's really nothing to worry about celluliteabout the health point of view. It is not a condition, medical needs, and not with other similar-sounding names, far more serious condition called cellulite be confused. Let me explain what cellulite and ways to prevent and reduce it.
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a collection of irregular cells of fat beneath the skin. It may be mild and only really noticeable when you pinch the skin, or it can be very difficult, with lumps of fat that the pathWhat about a skin hanging, lumpy appearance. It affects women more often than men due to the deposition of fat to women. It may emerge stronger than women aged due to a decrease in skin elasticity.
Cellulite is believed that the shift of fat from fibrous collagen structures just beneath the skin, causing the skin to the muscles fixed. Increase in fat reserves, it is difficult to contain the fibrous structures in an appropriate manner, and it starts against bagof the skin causing a distinctive look of cellulite. It is also believed that insufficient lymphatic drainage, contributes to the formation of cellulite.
The treatment of cellulite
Here are some ways on how you can avoid the formation of cellulite, or deterioration:
• Control your weight. This is one of the most important factors. Although cellulite can be present in people of normal weight, dramatically worsens when you increase fat stores.
• Exercise. Regular aerobic and resistanceExercise keeps the skin and muscles in a better sound and better able to resist and contain deposits of fat pockets of cellulite.
• hydration. Drinking enough water keeps the skin moist and supple every day and better able to adequately contain the deposits of fat beneath it.
• Nutrition. A diet low in saturated fats, high in fiber helps prevent formation of cellulite. Also be sure to get enough collagen building vitamin C and plenty of protein to buildCollagen / fibrous structures that keep the grease in place. A low intake of sugars (limit to 20 grams per day, read the labels) will help reduce fat and prevent skin damage.
• Excessive consumption of alcohol. People who drink alcohol more heavily than other cellulite seem perhaps because alcohol use tends to decrease the elasticity of the skin.
• collagen supplements. Many people, when they get older, they lose their structure of collagen in the skin.
Vitamin C and resveratrol,Powerhouse Antioxidant supplements can help rebuild collagen such as collagen liquid, which can be found in stores of vitamins.
• Do not smoke. The toxins in cigarette smoke ingredients and contribute to cellulite.
• tight clothing. Elastic waists, hips, thighs, are thought to form a poor circulation can cause cellulite or contribute.
Some TÃ
Here are some relatively new forms of cellulite treatment that might work well forYou:
Laser frequency and radio: to reduce the use of heat, infrared light and massage against cellulite deposits. These appear to significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite treatments and can be up to 6 months.
Belt infrared sauna infrared saunas, and Melt the fat by heating to increase the warmth of your body through metabolism. They are doing more convenient than regular saunas heat the steam. You can burn up to 350-500 calories per 20 minute session. There are also far-infraredBelly heat are available (about $ 200), which help to thighs, arms and abdomen, reduce cellulite can be used on site.
Laser-assisted liposuction, a surgical treatment is available through a plastic surgeon, where a tube under the skin and sucks the fat deposits. At the same time attracts the laser action of the skin for a more pleasant aesthetic result.
Herbal Body Wraps: Some of my patients have reported good results with the reduction of cellulite deposits with plantWraps. It 'a process in a spa, where the type of astringent herbs soaked bandages wrapped around the body and then carried out for 30-60 minutes. The herbal cleanse toxins from the skin, tighten the skin and cause the loss of inches around.
Rebounds: Have you seen the mini-trampoline bounce? Movement jump and bounce recovered cleans and drains the lymphatic system and helps combat cellulite and clear. There are also shoes rebounds foot strap, the sameLymphatic / cellulite draining effects. Women who reported regular use rebounds to release looks significantly reduced their cellulite.
Shorts and bathing suit season is just a few months. Start now to give advice on diet and exercise to integrate offered here, perhaps try some rebounds and a body wrap and see how they work for you. Or, if you look at the treatment of cellulite-based doctor, consult a plastic surgeon laser-assistedLiposuction and / or radio frequency-laser treatments.
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